ACTIVITY The Principal intends to call a meeting of the teachers in his/her school to tackle an urgent concern which is i...
The Principal intends to call a
meeting of the teachers in his/her school to tackle an urgent concern which is
in connection with the coming visit of the secretary.
Considering that the school is
about to break for Christmas vacation, he/she informed his/her teachers to come
to the conference room.
Let us
observe how the meeting shall be conducted and comment later on the behaviors
of the participants to the meeting
How was
the meeting conducted?
salient points did you observe about the conduct of the meeting?
To give participants a sense of group identity.
To enhance motivation and commitment.
To help develop synergy.
To provide an opportunity for positive reinforcement.
Basic School Management Course
M ake a focus statement.
E nsure that team meeting roles are assigned and understood.
E nsure that the team uses an agenda.
T ake time to prepare, participate and perform.
Before the meeting...
B rainstorming ideas.
E valuate what you know.
F ormulate alternatives.
O rient toward one alternative.
R eview agenda to ensure that
you are prepared with information, status or assignments.
E nsure that you complete any assignments.
During the meeting ...
D isplay teamwork.
U nderstand the viewpoints of others.
R emain focused.
I nvolve yourself.
N urture others’ ideas.
G O for win-win solutions.
During the meeting ...
S hare information but be concise.
P lan what you are going to say before you say it.
E encourage the building of ideas by asking
A void personal or “red” remarks.
K eep remarks focused on the subject.
During the meeting ...
L et the other person convey his or her message.
I nvolve yourself in other person’s message.
S ummarize and paraphrase frequently.
T alk only to clarify.
E mpathize with other people.
N urture active listening skills.
During the meeting ...
C onsider the self-esteem of others.
O perate within the team.
O bserve others’ actions.
P ursue a common focus.
E stablish open communications.
R ecognize individual contributions.
A llow positive conflict.
T rade off ideas of the team.
E ncourage trust.
After the meeting ...
A ct to perform assignments.
F ind necessary support and resources.
T alk up team activities.
E nsure team integrity.
R eview the next meeting’s agenda.
Code of Conduct
C ommitment of team members.
O wners of meeting roles.
N egotiation process.
D ecision-making process.
U nity of issues.
C ommunications procedures.
T ime management.
Meetings that are properly planned and conducted can inspire and
motivate the participants to achieve higher levels of performance.
No organization can exist without formal or informal meetings,
conferences or committees. Large amount of valuable time and energy can be
wasted if meetings are badly organized or run.
Careful planning and preparation.
Awareness of objectives/purpose.
Appropriate structure of time.
Effective communication.
Effective facilitating.
Review of effectiveness of the meeting.
Leading to ACTION.
Do all the good you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can,
produce enduring power, while forced cooperation ends in failure.
You can’t clap
with one hand.
A single tree does
not make a forest.
As an upcoming school manager, identify the
areas in conducting meetings that you want to improve on or enhance to ensure
effective results?
How would you encourage your teachers to look
forward to attending your meetings?
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