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QUESTIONS ·          What problems were you able to identify in the case? Which would you consider as the most pressing problem among tho...

·         What problems were you able to identify in the case? Which would you consider as the most pressing problem among those which you identified?
·         What contending concerns and issues do you think greatly affect the situation? List them down.
·         Based on the caselet, what do you consider as the probable causes of the identified priority problem?
·         What possible solutions can you offer?
·         Which among the solutions can work favorably and immediately to solve the identified priority problems?
Problem :  gap between what is & what  should be
            -->  gap which needs to be addressed
Issues and Concerns:  are consequences which are results or an be expected to happen if gaps are not addressed.
Possible Causes:   can also be problems, but not the major ones; assumed factors that influence the existence of the problem
Alternative Solutions:   Set of alternatives to solve the problem
Chosen Solutions:  Most possible alternative after considering all the factors in the solution (people, structure, culture, resources, etc.) 

CRISIS is applied to situation which are perceived as involving an immediate threat of unacceptable adverse consequences. It is a term generally applied to a critical situation, a turning point characterized by a sense of urgency.

·         THREAT
§  A potential hindrance to some state of goal desired by an organization or individual.
§  Time is short when the situation will be altered in the near future after which no decision can be made only under less favorable circumstances.
·         SURPRISE
§  Refers to lack of awareness by those affected by the crisis, is likely   to occur, but is not equated with the lack of a planned response to the situation. Even if plans exist, an individual can still be surprised.


·         A crisis is often a turning point in an unfolding sequence of event of actions.
·         It is a situation in which the requirement for action is high in the mind and planning of participants.
·         It is followed by an important outcome whose consequences and effects will shape the future of the parties to the crisis.
·         It is characterized by a sense of urgency which often produces stress and anxiety among people.
·         It is a circumstance or set of circumstances in which information available to participants is usually inadequate.
·         It is marked by changes in the relations among participants.
·         It increases tension among people.

·         Failing to recognize and act upon warning signals, until a crisis actually exists.
·         Employing the most immediate solution.
·         Inability or the unwillingness to communicate with the public.
·         Poor managers never rise above the emotional aspect of the crisis.

·         Plan for crisis.
·         The top executive of the organization must be involved.
·         The organization involved should take the initiative in handling the situation.
·         Communicate with the media and the public as soon as possible.
·         Action is required.
·         Identify and address only those changes that have to be tackled immediately.

·         It is a significant business/ operational description which stimulate extensive news media coverage.  The resulting public  scrutiny will affect the organization’s normal operations and also could have a political, legal, financial and government impact on its business.

·         Acts of God (storms, earthquakes, etc.)
·         Mechanical problems (ruptured pipes, etc)
·         Human errors (miscommunication about what to do)
·         Management decisions/ indecisions (the problem is not serious, nobody will find out)
·         Crisis may either be sudden or smouldering.

   -  A sudden crisis may be a business-related accident resulting in significant damage that will disrupt normal business operations. The death or serious illness or injury of management, employees, visitors, etc. as a result of a business-related accident.

   -   A smouldering crisis is any serious business problem which is not generally known within or without the company/ institution, which may generate negative news coverage if or when it goes “public” and could result in more than predetermined amount in fines, penalties, legal damage, awards, unbudgeted expenses, and other costs.

·         Most business crises are the result of management decisions, actions and inaction.  

·         It is a mistake to consider news organization/ media to be the primary stakeholders group to think of crisis in terms of the negative news coverage that it may generate.
·         The stakeholder groups who are affected by the crisis need to be prioritized in terms of their importance to the future of the organization. 

·         The smartest step in crisis management is to plan your own management and employees at the top of the list of key stakeholders. Thus, they should be informed first about the crisis since they are going to have  to respond to countless other people when the word gets out about the crisis. 


·         He/She must be forward thinking and must have a broad view.
·         He/She must be flexible and willing to depart from established rules if needed.
·         He/She has to have the ability to keep cool under pressure.
·         He/She must be able to foster “cooperative confrontation.”


To laugh is to risk appearing the fool
To weep is to risk involvement
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self
To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd
is to risk their loss;
To love is to risk not being loved in return;
To live is to risk dying;
To hope is to risk despair;
To try is  to risk failure.
But risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life
is to risk nothing;

Leo Buscaglia

The person who risks nothing does nothing,
has nothing
and is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow but they cannot learn,
feel, change, grow or live.
Chained by their certitudes, they are  slaves --
They have forfeited their freedom.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their DREAMS”

                           -ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

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Schools Management: CRISIS MANAGEMENT
Schools Management
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