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Right of Students in Philippine Education


Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, Right of Students, Chapter 2, section 9

Resulta ng larawan para sa studentsSec. 9. Right of Students in School. — In addition to other rights, and subject to the limitation prescribed by law and regulations, and student and pupils in all schools shall enjoy the following rights:

1. The right to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as person with human dignity.
2. The right to freely chose their field of study subject to existing curricula and to continue their course therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic
deficiency, or violation of disciplinary regulations.
3. The right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting the alternatives in fields of work suited to his potentialities.
4. The right of access to his own school records, the confidentiality of which the school shall maintain and preserve.
5. The right to the issuance of official certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades, transfer credentials and other similar documents within thirty days from request. chanrobles virtual law library
6. The right to publish a student newspaper and similar publications, as well as the right to invite resource persons during assemblies, symposia and other activities of similar nature. chanrobles virtual law library
7. The right to free expression of opinions and suggestions, and to effective channels of communication with appropriate academic channels and administrative bodies of the school or institution.
8. The right to form, establish, join and participate in organizations and societies recognized by the school to foster their intellectual, cultural, spiritual and physical growth and development, or to form, establish, join and maintain organizations and societies for purposes not contrary to law.
9. The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own he organizations or societies.

accreditation,1,act,2,addendum,2,administrator,4,administrators,1,ALS,1,amendment,5,amendments,2,anti-bullying,2,Anti-Red Tape,1,application,3,appointment,1,Approval,1,awareness month,1,birth certificate,1,bonus,1,Brigada Eskwela,4,BSMC,11,buwan ng wika,1,By-Laws,1,celebration,1,census,1,Comelec,4,completion rites,1,conference,1,conflict management,1,Constitution and By-Laws,3,consultative,1,contribution,1,core values,1,criminal law,1,criminal procedure,1,crisis management,1,declaration,2,definition,1,definitions,1,deped,14,DepEd officials,1,DILG Circular,1,diploma,1,discipline,2,download,1,duties,2,E.O.,1,Early Registration,1,education,12,election,3,elementary,2,email,1,establishment,1,Examination,3,fees,2,field trip,1,Flag Raising,1,form,9,function,1,GAD,1,Graduation Rites,5,granting,1,GSIS,1,guest post,1,guidelines,48,hiring,2,holidays,1,honor,1,Implementation,1,implementing,5,Innovation,1,Instructional,2,Introduction,1,K to 12,1,laws,11,Leadership,1,Leadership1,1,Learner Information System (LIS),1,leave,2,Legal,1,lesson plan,1,LET Elementary,1,LET Passers,2,LET Secondary Passers,1,LIS,2,logo,2,magna carta,1,Mandate,1,Manual,1,meeting,1,memo,39,message,2,mission,1,National Disaster Consciousness Month,1,NBI,1,NEAP,12,news,1,non-teaching,1,NQEP,10,NQEP 2011,1,NQEP 2011 Result,1,NQESH 2011,1,NQESH 2011 Result,1,NQESH Reviewer,1,NSO,1,nutrition month,2,objectives,1,obligation,2,Online,2,order,130,Organizational Structures,1,organize,1,ortograpiya,1,Palarong Pambansa,3,parents,2,participation,1,pay,1,PBB,1,PDS Form,1,PEPT,1,Personal Data Sheet,1,personnel,1,picture,1,policy,12,population,1,presidential,1,Principal,4,Principal Exam Reviewer,2,private schools,1,proclamation,1,Programs,1,provisions,1,public school,1,PVP,1,qualifications,1,questionnaire,1,RA 9155,1,recognition,2,redeployment,1,Reference,1,Regulations,3,responsibilities,2,result,1,retirement,1,revision,1,RH Bill,1,rights,7,Rules,15,SALN,1,SBM,1,scholarship,1,school,2,School Calendar,3,school forms,3,School Improvement,1,School Management,2,schools,2,secondary,1,service credits,2,SHS,2,SIP,1,specialized,1,SPG,2,SSG,5,students,2,Superintendent Examnination,3,Supervision,1,teacher,1,teachers,3,teaching,2,terms,1,tertiary,1,test,2,theme,3,training,1,transfer,1,updates,3,vacation,1,Violations,1,vision,1,work plan,1,
Schools Management: Right of Students in Philippine Education
Right of Students in Philippine Education
Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, Right of Students, Chapter 2, section 9
Schools Management
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