Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, School Administrators' Obligations, Chapter 3, Section 17

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective administration and management of the school.
3. Develop and maintain a healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom and effective teaching and learning, and to harmonious and progressive school-personnel relationship.
4. Assume and maintain professional behavior in his work and in dealing with students, teachers,
academic non-teaching personnel, administrative staff, and parents or guardians.
5. Render adequate reports to teachers, academic non-teaching personnel and non-academic staff on their actual performance in relation to their expected performance and counsel them on ways of improving the same.
6. Observe due process, fairness, promptness, privacy, constructiveness and consistency in disciplining his teachers and other personnel.
7. Maintain adequate records and submit required reports to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.